Youth Ministry

Our vision is to facilitate the transition from adolescence to young adulthood with a view of producing responsible individuals to their family, schools, community, and the society at large.

Our Mission
As part of the church, we exist to engage the youth into developing a strong relationship with Christ. We want to empower them through the studying of God’s Word and worship. Our purpose is to build a generation of God fearing leaders, so that they can impart their families with exceptional integrity and wisdom, which will transform their lives, church, homes, schools, and community at large.
Our Structure
The focus of our ministry revolves around three themes. Every year we concentrate on a particular theme and this is carried out through a three year cycle which is incorporated into the yearly goals of House of Glory Int. Ministries as a whole. We operate Peer Leadership System, in which the are trained to lead the youth.
Weekly Program
Every Sunday – Time: 2pm – 4pm
Every Friday – Time: 6pm – 8:30pm
Last Sunday of every month: 6pm – 9pm
Our weekly programs are a blast. Once you come this way, you never go back. A typical event starts with life changing ice breakers, poetry, art and dance, intense worship followed by the word for the day.
Here at HOGIM Youth you never feel like a stranger, you are family and you’ll feel like part of the family the moment you step in.
Events For The Year Every Year
Youth Rally: Monthly
A call to action: Twice a year
Spring holiday, Autumn holiday 10am -10pm event: Ending with an after party of a life time. It’s an explosive, energizing and interesting life changing event filled with loads of worship and prayer.
Youth Convention: Once a Year
This is a convention held in summer. You do not want to miss this one. It’s a total knockout. A state of ecstasy in the realm of the spirit and landing back on earth with a sonic ball of joy and satisfaction.
HOGIM Youth Quiz: Once a Month
Calling all who are youths and intellectuals. Think you can challenge our HOGIM Youth on the last Sunday of every month at our HOGIM Youth Quiz? I kid you not, defeat is inevitable. Our guys are off the chart. Since you can’t beat us, join us. Come along and sing along.
D3 Life – The Triple D Life (Discover – Develop – Deploy)
The event is held twice a month on Sundays after the Youth program which runs from 5pm – 6pm. Now do not attend this event if you do not want to discover the real you, unlock your true potentials, develop your natural talents and gifting, create your unique selling point and increase in value and worth dramatically.
This is an event where:
The lost becomes found.
The captive becomes free.
The timid becomes bold.
The shy becomes confident and The real you shines for life.
Career Identification Workshop
The aim of this workshop is to help you unleash the best in you. Remember you are reaction waiting to explode with an enormous force of energy. That energy will surely shake the foundations of the earth.


Over 18s master class
Over 18s is a dynamic Word-based ministry and movement aimed at answering the pertinent questions of young adults through the reading and teaching of the Word of God. Over 18’s unique approach to Ministry means that it is a classroom forum and network in one designed to empower young people to become young professionals. The topics in these powerful monthly meetings range from Career and Financial Development to Relationships and Family Planning right through to submission and the call to ministry. The Youth Leadership team is at the forefront of a movement based on undiluted Scripture and in the words of Rick Warren ‘True Fellowship’. Over 18’s is a life-changing Ministry that is spilling out of the doors of the Church into the homes, offices, and streets of Alberta.
Heart to Heart (Ladies Only)
It has been well documented that preadolescents, teenage girls and young women are particularly susceptible to feelings of low self-esteem, peer pressure, incorrect self-image, acceptance, underachievement and sexual pressures. Below a few facts and figures to illustrate this;
• In 2003, 83% of the episodes of the top 20 shows among teen viewers contained some sexual content, including 20% with sexual intercourse
• 42% of the songs on the top CDs in 1999 contained sexual content — 19% included direct descriptions of sexual intercourse
• On average, music videos contain 93 sexual situations per hour, including eleven “hard core” scenes depicting behaviors such as intercourse and oral sex
• Girls who watched more than 14 hours of rap music videos per week were more likely to have multiple sex partners and to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease
• Before parents raised an outcry, Abercrombie and Fitch marketed a line of thong underpants decorated with sexually provocative phrases such as “Wink Wink” and “Eye Candy” to 10-year-olds
• Neilson estimates that 6.6 million children ages 2-11 and 7.3 million teens ages 12-17 watched Justin Timberlake rip open Janet Jackson’s bodice during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show.

Pastor Smith to identify qualified older women who could, and should, teach and model godliness to the younger women in his church body:
Few people dispute the wisdom and benefits of mentoring. Titus 2:3-5 specifically targets women’s relationships with one another. Paul encourages the young “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” Many of the young women in the New Wine Youth Church have expressed a desire to be counseled and for a stronger support network, but they had difficulty finding female youth workers to step into that role. Out of our desire to be positively involved in the lives of our youths and their desire for counseling, this desire this proposal was borne.

Tomorrow’s Young Professionals…Today
New Horizon is an award winning collective formed to provide a platform for ambitious young people to maneuver careers and business ambitions into the financial market place. New Horizon Investment Club is a 3-tiered approach to practical success in the financial sector, which employs mentorship, educational workshops and a real time retail investing experience to achieve this goal. In 2017 New Horizon was privileged to be short listed for the new award category ‘Most Interesting Club’. This provided a crack in the door for New Horizon to announce its presence and show off its uniqueness among market forerunners and old hands.
Young Mother’s Group
As a ministry, we recognize that although all efforts are made to instill spiritual and moral values into our young ladies for one reason or another, a small amount of them may make the huge life changing decision of becoming teenage mothers. It was also felt that they may be young mothers who were never members of a bible believing church, and have now have given their lives to Christ and due to the fact that their are a young mother feels that their are not welcomed into the fold. To this avail it was decided to create a ‘Young Mother’s Christian Group’ The aim of the group is to encourage young mothers to overcome the stigma of becoming young mothers and returning into the fold of the church and Christian community.

The main objective of the group is to help young mothers to firstly realize that a mistake have been made and encourage them to rebuild or build a close relationship with God. Other objectives of the group are:

1 Provide counseling to young mothers, to better enable them to coupe with this huge life change.

2 Encourage young mothers to realize that their lives have not ended.

3 Help young mother to source programs within the community and church to help better themselves and perform to their full academic potential, which may have been without their child

4 Identify and provide whatever other programs etc. childcare, which may be need to assist young mothers to fit into the Sunday youth service as normal as possible