
New Immigrant Support Center

  HOGIM New Immigrant Support Center is collaborating in partnership with TCIC New Immigrant Support Centre to assist Newcomers to Alberta. If you are a newcomer to Alberta who is facing barriers to a stress-free settlement in Alberta, we are here to help you. Your next step is to complete our Newcomers assessment form, and one of our capable representatives will get back to you shortly.

Food Security Program

The pandemic proved more relentless and devastating than ever. Yet, with the support of our partners, including the Government-of-Canada, Red-Cross, Second Harvest, TCIC, GLWES, facing new and existing challenges, we doubled-down on our mission-objectives, including: Connecting black people and black communities in Edmonton and surrounding areas to reliable food-source while advocating for policies that make food more accessible --so that no one goes hungry. Write our admin office for more information about our Food Security...

Career & Business Development

The CBD is an initiative of HOGIM to help individuals identify and advance in their chosen careers.

Festival Of Nations

Our 14th Annual Festival of Nations event will kick off on September 27th with a Gospel concert and end on September 29th with a Community-driven Food and Arts Contest.

New Year’s Eve Celebration

At HOGIM, our New Year's Eve Celebration is usually our biggest event of the year

Mother’s Day Celebration

Pandemic times have meant moms have had to work extra hard these past years.

Holy Communion Service

Holy Communion at HOGIM is celebrated by the whole people of God gathered for worship Every Second Sunday of the month.

Good Friday Celebration

Join us on Good Friday for an intimate in-person or online experience, as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us through a devotional, time of worship, prayer, and Holy communion.

Father’s Day Celebration

Join us on this Father's Day for a refreshing in-person or online experience, as families from all walks of life come together to celebrate fathers in our community and the society at large.

Easter Sunday Celebration

Don't Miss These Exciting Easter Sunday Church Service - Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus with Us During Our Special Easter Sunday Services. Find Community. Join a Family. Encounter God. Find Your Life's Purpose.

Black History Month

The year's theme for Black History Month is: “Black, Strong, and Beautiful: Celebrating Black History today and every day,” which focuses on recognizing the daily contributions that Black Canadians make to Canada.

Relationship Clinic

Besides Marital Relationships, The House Of Glory Relationship Clinic also purposes to enrich and support other forms of relationship, including Friendships, Parental Relations, Business Relationships, and Kinship etc.

Health & Fitness Initiative

The HOGIM Health and Wellness Initiative gives community members of every age, interest, body type, and ability level the same opportunity – to live a healthier life.

Holy Hands Ministry

This is a community outreach initiative that aims at helping the homeless and those in need in our community, also to reduce the effect of poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, and destitute living in our community.

Diversity & Anti-Racism Project

Since the establishment of our organization, the leadership and individual experts have provided counselling services to a minimum of twenty individuals and/or groups (including Indigenous People and Black People) every week on issues that are deeply rooted in discrimination.

Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer Ministry receives over 30,000 prayer requests per year from people in our community and others around the world.

Seniors Ministry

The following are some of the programs the House Of Glory Seniors Ministry Offers: Seniors Day Services A week Seniors Respite care at our church for older adults who need care for working caregivers.  Annual Seniors Picnic We invite Seniors from our church and community to participate in a summer picnic every year. We provide entertainment and games.  Caregiving Our Seniors Ministry provides direct support for people having difficulty with activities of daily living (ADLs): walking, dressing, getting...

Children’s Ministry

The Children's Ministry program is back live at House Of Glory! We are blessed to be able to use The Citadel Centre, each Sunday. We will be playing a short video for the kids; something fun while connecting and relating to God in a meaningful way. And then will have some discussion/questions or an activity to reflect on what they watched.

Family Ministry

At House of Glory International Ministry, we believe that strong churches are built on strong families, and strong families build even stronger churches.

Youth Ministry

Our vision is to facilitate the transition from adolescence to young adulthood with a view of producing responsible individuals to their family, schools, community, and the society at large.

Music Ministry

Our Music Ministry exists to serve the local church in helping leadership teams and individuals to serve God with the gifts he has given them in music. We value this ministry because Colossians 3:16 shows us it is a ministry of God’s Word, to build up his church.

Women’s Ministry

We Create an atmosphere where women of all ages and backgrounds can let their hair down, be real, have fun and enjoy positive relationships with one another – a place where girls can be friends. A safe haven for women who are experiencing challenges that unique to women. A Place of nurturing and empowerment. A place of peace, love and joy for women from all walks of life.

Men Ministry

As men, we recognize that true manhood is synonymous with Christ-likeness. We therefore aspire to reflect the true image of God in all aspects of our lives.